SPICES / SAVOUR / SHARE Named after the precious spice, SAFFRON 46 is located on the 46th floor of Breeze Nanshan in Taipei’s Xinyi District. It serves Indian dishes grounded in traditional cooking tecniques with modern presentation, reflecting India’s colorful culture in its authentic and sophiscated taste. By smartly integrating India’s traditional and modern food cultures into its food, drinks, service, atmosphere and space, SAFFRON 46 offers excellent dining experience which can be enjoyed with the five senses through the nice details embodying pursuit of perfection.
To celebrate the three core concepts of SAFFRON 46 (spices, savour, share), we put the intitials together to create an Indian style window as the brand identity – a window leading to the unique world of Indian food, a playground to be exprienced and explored with the five senses. A special wall is dedicated to spice and wine bottles to highlight the perfect relationship between Indian spices and SAFFRON 46’s cocktails and food.
SPICES / SAVOUR / SHARE 以珍饈香料「番紅花」為名的SAFFRON 46 番紅花四十六,位於信義區微風南山46樓,透過傳統料理手法結合現代視覺的印度菜餚,呈獻出其文化多變之色彩與正宗且纖細的風味,並攜手三度世界調酒冠軍Aki Wang,所領軍的世界及亞洲50大酒吧調酒師團隊,精心設計的香草、香料與著色雞尾酒單,共同譜出極致協調的味蕾饗宴樂章。
SAFFRON 46用心地串連起細節裡的盡善盡美,提供您絕佳的餐飲體驗,藉由五感融入餐點、酒水、服務、氛圍到環境,深刻融入「傳統」與「現代」的印度飲食文化。
- Creative Director
- Chih-Ling Wang
- Designer
- Shi-Wen Huang
- Yo-Hsin Lin