Cn Flower
CN Flower’s unique floral aesthetics contains elements of the east and the west. To illustrate the spirituality of floral art, the very moment of twigs and leaves caressed by winds is turned into the company’s visual identity and webside graphics. The sheer beauty of flowers seem to bloom in simple, graceful black.
CN Flower 融合東方與西方的觀點,開創風格獨特的現代花藝美學。為展現花藝中所蘊含的抽象意境,主視覺與網站設計中以枝葉吹拂的意象,將瞬間化為具象的形,讓花藝裏純粹而美好的形象,於簡約典雅的黑色中綻放。
- Designer
- Chia-Hsiao Shih
- Web Developer
- Jerry Lin