Healthcare brand Sante Health has designed two energy drinks that cater to office ladies’ needs. As their names “Good Morning!” and “Good Evening!” suggest, the products are to be drunk in mornings and evenings. The amiable Sun and Moon remind users to drink the drinks at those hours to feel reenergized.
保健品牌「身體好適」針對上班族女性,量身打造的高效機能飲品。命名為「早安、晚安纖媞飲」, 傳達產品針對身體需求,分為日夜兩個時段飲用。從太陽和月亮問候的親切視覺,作為一個貼心提醒, 為消費者建立從早到晚的飲用習慣,成功喚醒體內健康循環。
- Creative Director
- Chih-Ling Wang
- Designer
- Elica Tzeng
- Gui Ping Syu