Jill Stuart

Jill Stuart

Jil Stuart is an international cosmetics brand based in New York. We designed the overall presentation of its “Sweet Bride” collections, including a publicity space where customers are free to try new makeup and gowns. Each guest is given a fine little gift and a new catalogue.

Jill Stuart 創立於紐約的國際美妝品牌,為「新娘彩妝」系列上市規劃整體形象,主題活動空間設計讓客人在裡面舒服的嘗試新彩妝與禮服,並獲得特別訂製的精緻禮物與新品目錄。

Creative Director
Chia-Hsiao Shih
Chia-Hsiao Shih
Yu-Tzu Huang