GONNA means GOING TO. This new concept store is named GONNA because it’s GONNA start journeys after journeys in your life, and you will soon experience all the exciting things which are GONNA happen in your life: the food you are GONNA taste, the unforgettable scenery you are GONNA see, the new step you’re GONNA take and the new life you are GONNA explore. In this open and fun space, we invite everyone to start their GONNA journey with good food and travel books. Let their imagination guide them to the new direction of life.
「GONNA」,即「GOING TO」、將會的意思。全新旗艦食旅生活空間,以「GONNA」為名,為你開啟一段段關於生活的旅程,準備體會教人興奮的一切未知:將要品嚐的美食,將要看到的難忘風景,將要踏出的新一步,將要探索的新生活。在這個開放、有趣、又具有幽默感的空間裡,邀請大家一起開啟「GONNA 共樂遊」旅程,從飲食為起點,尋找對健康以及身心的重視;同時通過旅遊書籍的閱讀進而豐富生活,探索心中的期待和想像,尋找生活新方向。
為了呼應「GONNA」的精神,將會展開生活的旅程,探索未知的美好。品牌識別設計上以手感、幾何曲線、方向指引為發展品牌標誌的方向,視覺上運用了旅行相關的元素搭配行動中的想像視覺,以及許多帶有「Gonna」態度的標語分享,希望帶給大家「展開行動吧!」的正面能量。透過更多生活的探索和實踐,尋找生活的新方向!GONNA BE THE WAY!
- Creative Director
- Chih Ling Wang
- Art Director
- Elica Tzeng
- Designer
- Hsin Yi Pen
- Shi Wen Huang