The Fresh Way Restaurant of Xian, China is known for its fresh and savory fish fillet hot pot. As its name suggests, the restaurant constantly seeks new ways to offer the best stock and the freshest food. The moment they make an order, customers take an exciting journey of freshness. From appetizers, stock, vegetables, fish, meat, liquor to sweets, every choice is guaranteed with health and taste.
位於中國西安市的鮮上鮮湯理念,以鮮美的魚片鍋物聞名。「Fresh Way 鮮上鮮湯理念」的品牌名稱強調專注於湯頭與尋找新鮮的經營理念。從點菜即展開一段過癮的尋鮮之旅,以鮮開胃為起點,一路尋鮮湯、抓鮮魚、摘蔬果尋鮮肉、嚐鮮汁、鮮滿足,到最後的鮮暖意,完成這趟健康美味的旅程。
- Creative Director
- Chia-Hsiao Shih
- Chih-Ling Wang
- Designer
- Yu-Tzu Huang