Cindy Chao 藝術珠寶
Cindy Chao is an international customized jewelry brand, and Ms. Chao is the first ethnic Chinese designer ever made it to Christie's jewelry auction in New York. Minimalist black and white are chosen for the logo and the website to manifest Cindy Chao’s craftsmanship and artistic value. Butterfly, a signature element, is used to enhance its uniqueness.
CINDY CHAO為國際級珠寶定製品牌,也是首位進軍紐約佳士得珠寶拍賣會的華裔設計師,為了凸顯品牌定位Art Jewel的精緻手工與藝術價值,在品牌形象包裝與網站設計上,以內斂簡約的黑色與白色為主要色系,搭配別具代表性的蝴蝶設計元素來表現品牌的獨特個性。
- Art Director
- Chih-Ling Wang
- Designer
- Yu-Tzu Huang