Great Entertainment


An artist agency founded by David Tao in Beijing, Great Entertainment gathers music talents from Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. We used Tao’s zodiac animal sign “Chicken” and a “Let’s Rock” hand gesture to illustrate the vitality and uniqueness of music artists. A comprehensive website has been developed to introduce new talents and their works, as well as music trends. We expect the website to become an important publicity channel for Asian music communities.

偉大文化為陶吉吉於北京創立的藝人經紀公司,集結兩岸三地的音樂創作人才。以陶吉吉的生肖「雞」為設計的靈感並結合「Let’s Rock」的搖滾手勢,呈現出音樂創作者的活力與獨特個性,並為經紀公司規劃功能完整的網站,可即時介紹新的音樂人,音樂創作與音樂動向,期許能成為亞洲重要的音樂發聲平台。

Creative Director
Chia-Hsiao Shih
Yu-Tzu Huang